six tuscan poets – giorgio vasari

Defichain in the art of history is a simple project only for entertaining
Giorgio Vasari – six tuscan poets 1544

from left Guittone d’Arezzo, Cino da Pistoia, Francesco Petrarca, Giovanni Boccaccio, Dante Alighieri, Guido Cavalcanti

the alchimist – n.c. wyeth

Defichain and art fits perfectly together. Both make your life better
the alchimist – n.c. wyeth

Facing a glowing furnace at left, a bearded alchemist in green with red cap looks at flask of green liquid with young assistant in red singlet; laboratory apparatus in foreground and background; a pufferfish hangs from the ceiling; two doves on window sill and through window a castle atop a mountain. Seated grey bearded man… Continue reading the alchimist – n.c. wyeth

the four queens find lancelot sleeping – frank cadogan cowper

I love art and I love Defichain. So it is obvious for me to put these together

Sir Launcelot lies sleeping under an apple tree and is being watched by the four queens: Morgan le Fay, the Queen of the Out Isles, the Queen of Eastland and the Queen of Northgalis. They have been hunting and have been attracted by the neighing of Launcelot’s horse, leaving their white mules in the background. Frank Cadogan Cowper was an english artist born 1877 and died 1958.